My Accountant's Cloud
MyAccountantsCloud Security and Privacy Policy
Our Security and Privacy Policy are part of the Terms and Conditions between you and us. By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you are also agreeing to our Security Policy.
We will not, without your permission, sell, publish, or share information you entrust to us that identifies you or any person.
What Type of Information We Collect
Personal Information The information used to register your account is kept strictly confidential by us, and is not released or disclosed to anyone other than employees of ours that need this information for to monitor to provide your service.
Payment Information Your financial information is processed via Authorize.Net, our third party payment provider. We do not store credit card information; except for the last four numbers and payment type so that we may identify your accounts to you. This limited billing information is kept strictly confidential by us, and is not released or disclosed.
Username and Password Your username is on file to provide us with secure access to your MyAccountantsCloud. Your password is stored in an encrypted format, and cannot be read by our staff and programmers.
Company Data Customer data or customer company data which you store and use with us. This is the information that includes data from all credit cards, debit card and bank information that you want us to access in order for you to use our software. This information is passed along to our data providers, who keep it secured. We do not store this information in our databases.
System Information Information about your system as it interacts with us such as your IP address and browser information. This information is not sold or shared, and is kept for user experience improvements only.
How MyAccountantsCloud Uses Your Bank Information
Your login information is encrypted prior to the transfer to our data provier, FiniCity. This information is then sent by our data provider to its primary source (your bank/credit/debit card company). This information is then sent through an encrypted portal to our web servers (Windows Azure). We do not store or save the bank information in our servers. The bank login information is stored within the FiniCity servers, and we cannot access the passwords for accounts.
Windows Azure is a cloud server service provided by Microsoft. Their data centers are managed and operated by Microsoft Global Foundation Services. These are some of the most secured servers in the world, and are under 24/7 monitoring by security and technical staff.
Email Privacy
We will never rent, sell, or share your email address. All email addresses are kept within our third party email service (Aweber) and only viewed by top executives and select confidentiality bound employees.